1.What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
The skills that I believe I have improved are a lot of finishing of products and photographing them professionally for final boards. I have improved my overall drawing skills and I have used them to help me solve briefs such as The Headline brief and Don’t Panic. I wanted to improve my knowledge and skills in the print process, I feel that in the production of my t-shirts for headline I refreshed my knowledge on screen print and the printing process involved within this. I think I have improved my computer skills through illustrator and in Design especially with working with grids to produce my final boards and using illustrator to vector up artwork.
2. What approaches to generating work and solutions to problems have you developed and how have they helped?
I still don’t feel I have found my comfort zone for producing work through design sheets I have used a lot of hand drawn design sheets but the scale I have worked at was to big to start with for each design I should really produce more thumbnails then work the idea into a larger scale. However when I have applied designs to computer programs my development is quicker and more effective as I feel my computer skills are a lot quicker than my drawing ones. I think the work that has been more successful are briefs such as brighten web when I used some thumbnails and then created the selected Ideas on illustrator…the process was a lot quicker and I felt the design was much more successful than others because of this.
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalize on these?
I felt that one my strengths over this last module lie within the generation of ideas. This is something I feel I’m good at doing but to capitalize on this I will need pin down the stronger ideas more quickly and run with them rather than always coming up with new ideas throughout a project and confusing the process such s the headline brief kept having loads of ideas and the style and design of the work continuously changed and got a bit over complicated. I feel I have really good computer based skills and to capitalize on these I should take on more briefs that require this out put and ever poster based brief utilize these skills to help produce a better level of work.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how could you exploit these more fully?
I feel I need to organize my work more, efficiently as I have work on the computer that sits on there which should be printed out so I can put it with all my other design sheets and compare them and help clarify the stronger ideas. I feel that I need simplify my designs more as I feel I over complicate the process too much such as the headline brief that I felt wasn’t one of my stronger pieces of work as I over complicated a brief that should have been a quick piece of work to produce. I feel I need to concentrate on computer-based work, as this is more successful than my illustration work, which is quite a poor quality. I felt my illustration skills where quite poor and need to look into working with my strengths such as within illustrator vectorise work/sketches rather than hand drawing them over and over again which wastes a lot of time. Also by vectorising the designs I can generate a better quality of line and ultimately a better standard of work.
5.Identify five things that you will do different next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Maintain and organize my blog so that the information is clear and defined for each brief. Including annotations for each post, so it is clearer for others to read through also to help me be more organized and help me reflect on the research and understand why I used it. And so that it runs along well with any design sheets I produce.
Be more decisive with projects to get them resolved in a shorter space of time. Help me answer more briefs and prevents me getting bogged down with loads of ideas and no solution.
I think my commitment to the module at the final few weeks of the module was really good so it think I need to de this throughout the module, so work can get finished more quickly and I will engage with the work a lot more successfully.
Talk to fellow designers in the studio and tutors to help clarify designs and pin down the strong designs to take forward.
Utilize my strengths more such as computer skills and use these to help me produce work for briefs. And use drawing skills to do initial thumbnails and design sheet work not the final product, as they are not very strong.
6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: (please indicate
using an ‘x’) 5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
Attendance 4
Punctuality 4
Motivation 4
Commitment 4
Quantity of work produced 3
Quality of work produced 3